Comments on: Perhaps Because It’s Horrific Bullshit? Wed, 07 Aug 2013 16:27:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dave, ex-Kwisatz Haderach Wed, 07 Aug 2013 16:27:48 +0000 Having hauled myself out of the torturous mire of a fundamentalist baptist upbringing, I’m giving this post a hearty R’amen! I used to think guilt and self-loathing was the way everyone was supposed to feel about themselves. Yeah, it cost me a lot, my family mostly won’t speak to me, but the joy and freedom of just being able to love me for who I am is easily worth it.

And its killing me to be forced to watch silently from a distance as my brother repeats the same cycle of abuse with his children.

As an aside, grumpyoldfart, you don’t get to decide what Dana’s friend is thinking. Sure there are cynical religious people who use their god as a shield against responsibility, but nothing in the post says this friend is one of those. Unless you’ve lived it, its hard to imagine the mindset that not only are you responsible for your own failings, you are incapable of doing anything remotely good, you are damned to hellfire for the crime of being born and credit for anything good goes directly to god instead of you. Try lying awake at night wracked with guilt and terrified of a hell you’re convinced is real, its not fun. It took years after I left the church to finally rid myself of the last shreds of that fear, and I can easily understand why some people can’t pull themselves free.

By: cubist Tue, 06 Aug 2013 08:33:13 +0000 If I believed that (a) god actually existed, and (b) the Bible’s portrayal of god is accurate, I would dedicate my life to figuring out how to kill the son of a bitch and make sure he stays dead. Yeah, yeah, “omnipotent”. But careful study of Scripture reveals a few hints that maybe, just maybe, god’s “potence” isn’t quite as “omni” as god’s fan club wants everybody to think it is. Two words: Iron chariots. And let’s not forget that one wrestling match where a mortal human was beating god until the SOB cheated (Gen 32:24)…

By: markr1957 Tue, 06 Aug 2013 03:09:26 +0000 The biggest lie of all was how he sacrificed (his son) himself to himself (as sky daddy) for our sins – he got better a couple of days later, so at most he had a very bad weekend for our sins.

By: eyeroll Mon, 05 Aug 2013 21:45:04 +0000 Dana, will your friend read your post? It would be interesting to see his reply.

By: Acolyte of Sagan Mon, 05 Aug 2013 19:39:11 +0000 In reply to Acolyte of Sagan.

Nearly missed the bit about Him keeping us as slaves possessions

That [God’s] love isn’t vague sentimentality, but it cost him his most precious treasure to turn us into his prized possession;

By: Acolyte of Sagan Mon, 05 Aug 2013 19:33:41 +0000

God’s loving pursuit of people who run from him as fast as they can and who live lives unworthy of his love.

God sure sounds like an attention-seeking, over-needy child to me. “Play with MEMEMEME! Love MEMEMEME!”

By: moarscienceplz Mon, 05 Aug 2013 17:42:10 +0000 Somebody plz invent a time machine so’s I can print this out and send it back 40 years to my father!

By: skemono Mon, 05 Aug 2013 15:34:09 +0000 I remember a Christian friend of mine saying something like “God is the source of all goodness in the universe. All goodness is due to God and not people.”

And I just thought that is the most horrible thing I have ever heard someone say about humans. They cannot do good on their own–the only thing they can bring to the table is evil. If they do good? That was really God, not them! If they do evil? That’s all on them, not God!

By: Trebuchet Mon, 05 Aug 2013 14:48:06 +0000 Well said, Dana. Bravo.

By: grumpyoldfart Mon, 05 Aug 2013 14:22:54 +0000

My Baptist friend, is this was you want your beautiful babies to become?

Your Baptist friend is probably not interested in anyone or anything but himself. Back when he was a believer he never had to take responsibility for his actions. Whenever he made a mistake he could immediately say, “It wasn’t my fault, god has other plans for me.” Even better, his peers would accept that excuse (because they intended to use it themselves one day).

Then he left the church and things went OK until he started making mistakes and there was no god to take the blame. He had to admit to himself that he had made a bad decision (or whatever) and that, really, he was a bit of a dickhead.

So now he’s back in church and he never has to admit to any failings. No matter what he does, no matter how silly it appears, the decision is out of his hands. He is being led by god and everything will turn out for the best.

Your Baptist friend probably doesn’t believe any of the bible stories, but he will never let go of god because he needs god to absolve him of responsibility for his actions. And if the kids turn out to be ratbag fundamentalists he can tell himself: “It doesn’t matter. It’s about me, not about them. And it’s all going to turn out for the best anyway.”
