Best. Help. Wanted. Ad. Ever.

If you’re a political junkie with mad blogging skillz and don’t mind living in D.C., I think you’d better take a look at this:

ThinkProgress is hiring a reporter/blogger to join our team at the Center for American Progress Action Fund. We’re looking for enthusiastic applicants who slave away at a keyboard have strong research/writing experience, don’t sleep have a desire to consume large amounts of news, beat the media at their own game have a passion for researching and reporting online, and don’t mind being stalked by Bill O’Reilly’s crew.

Glorious. I’d go for it if I were a better researcher and didn’t hate the East coast so (nothing personal, my dear denizens of the east – it’s just not my geography). That’s the greatest want ad in the known universe.*

(I know some wag’s going to come up with something even funnier, so let me qualify that statement: it’s the greatest want ad in the known universe written by staffers at a professional enterprise that I’ve personally seen.)

Best. Help. Wanted. Ad. Ever.