I *cough* I'm Not *hackcough* Feeling Well

Lavender flu, I’m afraid:

National Day Without A Gay has been called for December 10, International Human Right Day, and organizers are encouraging people to “call in gay” and spend the day being of service as volunteers in the community:

Day Without A Gay seeks to shift our strong feelings about injustice toward service! Let’s fight for equality by out-loving those who would deny us rights. Call in “gay” on December 10th (International Human Rights Day) and volunteer for your local LGBT and/or human rights organizations.


In Southern California, gay-out participants are readying themselves to help fire victims along with helping out other service groups, and Day Without A Gay has a a state-by-state listing of volunteer opportunities.

Terribly sorry. I’ll be in tomorrow, though. Don’t mind the possible splotches of paint, or the papercuts from stuffing envelopes – it’s all part of my therapy.

I *cough* I'm Not *hackcough* Feeling Well