Comments on: "I'm a strong woman and I don't need help." Care and responsibility. Mon, 04 Aug 2014 13:47:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: 4 stupid delusions people have about feminism | buzzcarl Mon, 04 Aug 2014 13:47:56 +0000 […] women claim that feminism is not for them because they are strong and/or refuse to “see themselves as victims” and so on. This is perplexing. In the real […]

By: Azkyroth Drinked the Grammar Too :) Sun, 27 Jul 2014 01:36:27 +0000 In reply to tecolata.

Yes. (At least, as far as they knew).

Not that it makes it any better.

By: Frawst Disasta Sat, 26 Jul 2014 19:32:51 +0000 I loved this piece. I am judged sometimes for living at home with my parents at the age of 30. “But shouldn’t you be living on your own?” I feel like I have to explain myself, even though it’s no one’s business, and yet I end up saying something like “My health sucks and I need to live in a place where I can get support for day-to-day needs I can’t always accomplish on my own”.

It’s great for people who don’t need to use resources, whether its an elevator, or anti-bullying messages, and all the other resources at conferences or colleges. But, it’s tiring to explain to people that others do need these things. And it has nothing to do with “strength” and everything to do with personal circumstance. You pulled yourself up by your bootstraps? Fantastic. But not everyone is born into the middle class with loving parents in a safe neighborhood. Realizing that shouldn’t be a shock. It’s called empathy, understanding, and recognizing there are circumstances outside one’s own.

Thank you for this piece. And I appreciated you pointing out it’s for both genders.

By: tecolata Wed, 23 Jul 2014 22:11:11 +0000 This is just the same old slut shaming and victim blaming. It’s your fault. If you were stronger, better, more worthy, you would not be abused. How many victims of sexual assault had people tell us what “they” would have done to prevent or stop it? Because we are just inferior beings.

Wny the hell should a woman be expected to just put up with abuse or assault? Does anyone tell a man, well, at any rate a straight white Christian cis man, to just put up with it?

By: queequack Wed, 23 Jul 2014 19:22:52 +0000

That “strength,” whatever that is, is a quality that everyone ought to have, regardless of personal circumstance, and having it makes you clearly superior to those who don’t.

I think this is probably the main thing- at least amongst good-faith dissenters as opposed to trolls- and it’s just a derivation of bootstraps and the american dream and all that fallacious debunked crap. As the ur-narrative goes, we are all dropped into the same Earth with the same opportunities, and we are thus are fully responsible for creating our own success and happiness through hard work and a can-do attitude and true grit; as a corollary to this, our competence can be objectively measured in terms of our position relative to others. Therefore, any talk of “special needs”- from welfare to harassment policies to antidepressants to helping kids who have been bullied- messes with this just-world fantasy, and is seen as essentially rewarding incompetence.

It’s all predicated on a bizarre notion of fairness, which would only make sense if we were all indistinguishable clones carefully raised in exactly the same circumstances. That is not the case.

By: composer99 Tue, 22 Jul 2014 13:57:33 +0000 When used as a rhetorical cudgel against those who, for whatever reason, can not or will not be “strong”, in the sense given in the OP, the self-narrative of strength strikes me as verging on gaslighting.

By: smrnda Mon, 21 Jul 2014 19:32:39 +0000 I get so tired of the ‘see how superior I am to you! I do not need help and you do!’ There is (in my mind) the possibility that some don’t get harassed as much, or encounter lighter harassment, and as a result have a distorted image of the issue. I have had other women be shocked at accounts of my own harassment; I guess they had missed out on some of it.

The other problem is that some of these ‘strong people’ are really just either socialized not to complain and to resent people who complain. I don’t really get that, but I figure that is the explanation in many cases.

At the heart of the matter is the idea that harassment should be viewed as normal behavior.

By: thecowardinme Mon, 21 Jul 2014 10:00:03 +0000 Thank you… just… thank you…

I read this through tears in my eyes quite often… I had to stop reading and come back because it cut so deep… thank you.

“But as I mentioned, such protective measures are useful to anyone who experiences harassment or assault, regardless of gender. When you say that such measures are by default sexist against women, you are assuming that all potential victims are female, and ignoring all the ones who are not. Although I do so hate to play “You’re The Real _____,” it is actually quite sexist to assume that men cannot be victims of sexual harassment or assault, and quite cissexist to assume that non-female, non-male people don’t even exist, as victims or otherwise.”

All of it hit me, if removing the gendered speak but that just blew me away and sent the tears streaming… The idea of strength… and who can and cannot be a victim is so very tied to that… being seen as a “man” or when younger a “boy”… and the amount of times being told my experience could not have happened because I was strong… because I was a “man”… and how much it caused me to see how all survivors need things… I… I can’t make this make sense at the moment… I am still too emotionally overcome…

So I shall stop and again say, thank you.

As a survivor I am beyond grateful to have you out there speaking.

By: Miri, Professional Fun-Ruiner Mon, 21 Jul 2014 03:20:11 +0000 In reply to Sunil D’Monte.

Yeah, I’ve written about the just-world hypothesis and how it relates to social justice a lot. It definitely helps explain why people both in oppressed groups and not often refuse to believe that oppression exists.

By: Sunil D'Monte Mon, 21 Jul 2014 03:19:17 +0000 It hadn’t occurred to me that this was a case of fundamental attribution error, but now that you’ve stated it it makes a lot of sense. I’m wondering if other aspects of attribution theory, like just-world and assumptive-world, also come into play?
