Comments on: Leaving Jesus: Women of Color Beyond Faith Just another The Orbit site Thu, 13 Dec 2012 15:36:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: blackskeptics Thu, 13 Dec 2012 15:36:02 +0000 In reply to arrenfrank.

You’re welcome and thanks for the feedback!

By: blackskeptics Thu, 13 Dec 2012 15:35:23 +0000 In reply to Alicia.

Absolutely and thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately dismissiveness of the very real socioeconomic and cultural complexities of women of color in faith-based, segregated communities continues to be the norm within mainstream atheist contexts/discourse.

By: Alicia Thu, 13 Dec 2012 02:36:19 +0000 *raises hand* Black female atheist here! Whoa now, so much of this was on point and needed to be said, thank you. It gets frustrating when people say that there aren’t certain struggles within minority groups that are somewhat unique to them with this ideology. Pointing this out in no means downgrades real backlashes that we all may suffer as atheists, however, if we fail to identify and focus on these issues–how will we ever address them?

By: arrenfrank Wed, 05 Dec 2012 00:49:24 +0000 Thank you for this, Sikivu. It’s not comfortable to be reminded of my staggering ignorance of these matters, but your cogent summary is a step in the right direction. Fighting white middle-class male cluelessness, one well-meaning hermit at a time — a tiny and immaterial victory, to be sure, but thought I’d pipe up anyway, for whatever little it’s worth…..

(The more I peel the onion of cultural atheism to reveal its -ismatic innards, the less I regret being so uninvolved with the movement, such as it is.)

By: blackskeptics Wed, 05 Dec 2012 00:05:25 +0000 In reply to SC (Salty Current), OM.

There haven’t been any serious appraisals vis-a-vis racism, freethought history and feminism. Michele Louise Newman’s excellent book “White Women’s Rights” dissects the intersection of white supremacy and first wave feminism, with extensive analysis of Stanton and other white female abolitionists. However, the book isn’t coming from a freethought feminist historical perspective. I also address Stanton and Rose’s (different) perspectives in Moral Combat. Rose disagreed with Stanton’s xenophobia and paternalism.

By: SC (Salty Current), OM Tue, 04 Dec 2012 17:48:57 +0000

For example, I have yet to see an appraisal that seriously addresses the racism and xenophobia of forerunning 19th century freethinker Elizabeth Cady Stanton (who touted the cultural and intellectual superiority of white women over immigrants and people of color in her vehement opposition to the 15th amendment granting black men the vote)

I’ve linked to this talk in the past. I think it’s worth watching.

Within the context of slavery and, later, Jim Crow, women like Stanton, Ernestine Rose, and other first and second wave white feminist freethinkers would not have had the license to be secular were it not for the dialectic between the civilized white Western subject and the degraded amoral racialized sexual other.

It should be noted that Rose was a Jewish-Polish immigrant.

By: Dalillama, Schmott Guy Mon, 26 Nov 2012 21:41:24 +0000 In reply to blackskeptics.

It occurs to me that churches have a significant advantage there that humanist groups are going to have to work hard to match: They’ve got an established infrastructure in place. They’ve got physical premises to hold events and meetings in, they’ve got established social networks in place to organize when needed, etc. etc. Humanist groups that want to make any headway are going to have to address/match that.

By: geocatherder Sat, 24 Nov 2012 00:35:01 +0000 “In the West, genius and Godliness are intimately bound to each other.”

I’m not much of a philosopher and never thought about this before. I’m going to have to think it through some more.

But, aside from that, I learned a helluva lot from this article. Well written and making me think hard. Thank you!

I’m female but also white, and one thing I’ve found is that it’s a lot easier to identify white privilege in hindsight than when you’re in the middle of being supported by it.

By: No One Fri, 23 Nov 2012 14:59:42 +0000 “For non-believers of color, the argument about whether or not secularist organizations should address social justice is an absurd luxury that only white people have.”

Well that brings the picture into focus, dodinit? How many +’s do we need behind the word atheism to redress that?

By: blackskeptics Wed, 21 Nov 2012 17:48:04 +0000 In reply to Dalillama, Schmott Guy.

Exactly. Just read a piece on the racial harassment of an Afr-Am family (father is in law enforcement too!)in Orange County and the first comment is from a local minister speaking out against the inveterate racism blacks experience in this lily white burb. Whether it’s prisoner re-entry, voter registration, scholarship assistance etc. local progressive churches are involved. There is no humanist/atheist counterpart and that is precisely the problem for communities of color.
