Understanding p-values

A couple of days ago I was trying to nail down p-value, significance levels and null hypotheses. I know that if the p-value is lower than 0.05, the result is significant and the null hypothesis is rejected – but that’s just memorization. I wanted to understand it, know when it should be applied, and be able to explain it to others. I turned to my trusty co-worker, R., to help in this endeavor. (If you prefer you can skip the dorky “Brianne comes to understand p-values” conversation and go right to the “why this shit is important” section below.)

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Understanding p-values

Damn it, Jar Jar Binks!

So, this conversation ensued after I asked someone about the Jar Jar Binks doll on her shelf.

Me: Jar Jar Binks was your son’s baseball team’s mascot? With all the issues surrounding that charcter? That’s an odd choice.

Her: What? Why? What issues?

Me: (Danger danger Will Robinson) You know, all the hulabaloo about Jar Jar being racist…err…that is (how to explain this) how he was a racist caricature of Jamaicans or of black people who use ebonics.

Her: WHAT? Are you kidding me? I’ve never equated Jar Jar Binks with racism.

Continue reading “Damn it, Jar Jar Binks!”

Damn it, Jar Jar Binks!