Comments on: The food of my childhood, the food of Southern poor white trash Mon, 09 Oct 2017 19:17:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Leigh S. Mon, 09 Oct 2017 19:17:21 +0000 I grew up in Brooklyn, NY and ate most of what you listed. I’ll still eat a mayo sandwich if the mood strikes me. My family called them “wish” sandwiches, as in, “I wish I had meat for this” sandwich.

We had other things too. Matzah crackers with butter was a great afternoon meal. And you never knew what you were getting if you opened a Country Crock container in my grandmother’s fridge. Could be margarine, could be last nights spaghetti.

A lot of it is practicality. Peanut butter can be stretched for a good long while.
Tuna is cheap and if you have a lot of mouths to feed a casserole is the fastest way to do that.

Anyone who passes judgment hasn’t ever lived through tough times.

By: Cat Fri, 19 May 2017 01:32:00 +0000 cheese and jelly sandwiches
milk macaroni
garbage soup (broth is the liquid from canned vegetables)
creamed hot dog and egg on toast
boiled potatoes with ketchup
fried flour,milk and eggs…no rising…with sugar sprinkled on top
Never welfare or food stamps, but definitely poor from Canada and upper state NY
Thanks for the memories, all.

By: Carrie Thu, 02 Feb 2017 15:12:46 +0000 In reply to Mrs Smith.

Ok, try getting of your high horse and look at from this point-of-view:
A single mom has to make money somehow, and those kids are probably not going to have mom’s home cooking if she isn’t around. Kids will concoct whatever they think sounds good (I remember eating crushed cheerios and banana!), so give someone a break! You are the personality you portray, a vile horrible person!

By: coastal sunshine ideas Sun, 12 Jul 2015 05:26:53 +0000 […] You know, it’s those boxes of mac n cheese, and similar cheap, unhealthy food, that make me really understand why poor people can be overweight. The stuff is so cheap, and so terrible for you – a person could eat nothing but these and die of malnutrition even as they packed on the pounds Read more:… […]

By: coastal sunshine ideas Sun, 12 Jul 2015 04:35:34 +0000 […] Read more:… […]

By: coastal sunshine ideas Sun, 12 Jul 2015 04:05:59 +0000 […] see a detailed article on historically frugal cooking :… […]

By: Mrs Smith Sat, 28 Mar 2015 17:46:36 +0000 Ew. I cannot even believe, that these could be loosely considered cuisine. Now, I’m not super into beluga caviar either, but my family would never allow me to ingest any of that garbage- you are what you eat.

By: Seywhut Mon, 15 Sep 2014 16:24:35 +0000 I’m from the deep south and I found Honey Boo Boo to be totally disgusting and I was embarrassed for that family! These people act brain damaged. We have plenty of poor common folk around here that are as good as gold but they don’t act inbred and ignorant. They might have a thick Appalachian brogue and use primitive rural vocabulary but even those mountain people aren’t like Honey Boo Boo. It goes beyond white trash. But now the food? Yeah I’ve had just about everything on that list. The sandwiches were usually a tide over or something. We didn’t have microwaves or easy ways to cook things back then. I well remember before bedtime telling my mother I was hungry and she would give me a butter sandwich. Just spread some butter on one piece of bread and fold it in half. That was a quick and easy thing to make instead of switching on the stove and cooking something. Now we can just pop stuff in the microwave but we didn’t have that luxury then. The “sketti” about made me vomit. I ate at family’s homes where their spaghetti was weak and not nearly as good as Mother’s but never ketchup and butter. BARF! We do a lot of things fried down here that the Yankees don’t understand. I’ll knock you down for some fried green tomatoes! LOL. Grits is the one thing Yankee just can’t get and it’s usually because they get them in places like Waffle House that don’t use any salt in the water when they are cooking them. They taste like warmed over wallpaper paste. I don’t care how much salt you pour on them they ain’t gonna taste right. Shrimp and grits or crawfish and grits are really good if they are made right.

By: soogeeoh Fri, 12 Sep 2014 05:17:01 +0000 Here, certain mustard comes in glasses that are perfectly fine in shape and feel to function as drinking glasses.

Unconventional meals could be
rice + salami
rice + (the roasted and salted) gim + soy sauce

I try to think about food as something that should better be learned and practiced, especially since certain episodes involving raw seafood …

By: Joe Tue, 02 Sep 2014 04:08:29 +0000 I grew up poor – we did get those food subsidies from the government – lots of peanut butter and american cheese and other things better less remembered. A couple of things I do remember fondly and sometimes indulge in now that I’ve clawed myself into the middle class are:

Peanut butter and honey sandwiches
Cinnamon and sugar buttered toast
Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for dipping (extra points for melting some extra cheese in the soup) – my favorite
Spaghetti with butter and salt
Eggs and/or fried potatoes of any sort with ketchup
Mashed potatoes with canned corn, butter and ketchup
Sandwiches of baloney, dried beef, american cheese, potato chips and ketchup
Triscuit, pepperoni and american cheese along with a beef hot dog
Chili and stew are still staples in wintertime and appreciated by all
