A Kanto for my Amantes: My Lovers Reimagined as Pokémon

A Kanto for my Amantes: My Lovers as Pokémon

There’s an idea, somewhere between a running gag and a stereotype, that some people collect lovers like a Pokémon trainer collects pets. This concept grades into ugly objectification here and there, up to and including people maintaining de facto bingo cards of the demographics they’d like to bed, but it’s also an interesting thought exercise for the polyamorous lady.

Going it alone is not how this world works. None of us is invincible, nor are we all best at everything. Humans are interdependent, and we need each other. Sometimes, we are each other’s accessibility devices; other times, we’re each other’s levees, holding up what can no longer stand on its own. We look for, and find, people who fit with who we are, and we grow fond of and interdependent with people who can accomplish the things that we cannot. In the best scenario, we’re not just lovers: we are family.

A person and their partners, then, can be rather like a well-balanced Pokémon team.

So, here are the members of my polycule reimagined as Pokémon.

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A Kanto for my Amantes: My Lovers Reimagined as Pokémon