Are Men Really Harassed More Than Women?

This past Thursday saw a bold, contrary assertion made in The Daily Beast. Cathy Young, libertarian and “equity feminist” polemicist, asserted that harassment of men is ignored under the headline “Men Are Harassed More Than Women Online”.

The Study

The basis for the headline, and the key point for Young’s argument, was that a two-week-old press release from a UK think tank claiming “Male celebrities receive more abuse on Twitter than women” had been ignored. Being in the U.S., I can’t say much about how Demos press releases are usually treated, but I will agree that Young’s article was the first I’d heard of the research. However, looking at the release, it was immediately evident why it had been ignored. Continue reading “Are Men Really Harassed More Than Women?”

Are Men Really Harassed More Than Women?

Suspended by Twitter (Updated)

Update: Okay, I’m back. No need to bug Twitter.

On March 28, I reported a repeated and prolific abuser to Twitter. I didn’t hear from them again until today, when I received the following message:

Screen capture of email. Text included in the post.


The account you have reported has been suspended and the profile has been hidden from public view. If this user writes in, we’ll be sure to explain our policies regarding this issue before they are allowed to return to the site.

After six months of no action, my trust in Twitter support was low, so I decided to check this user’s profile. Nope. They were still active. Still, I thought maybe they were in the process of handling the ticket and the matter would be resolved soon.

Then I tried to retweet someone from my phone app. Continue reading “Suspended by Twitter (Updated)”

Suspended by Twitter (Updated)