I share a lot of links on Twitter and Facebook that I don’t blog about because I don’t have much to add. The reading list is a periodic feature where I share those links with my blog audience too. Of course, you’re still welcome to follow me on Twitter.
Around FtB
- Man mansplains that men also mansplain to men. Another man mansplains why–“So can we please join with those women who are quite keen to see an end to such behaviour? Sooner than later would be good.”
- The Inversion of Responsibility–“In case you haven’t been following the situation, the terrorists in question claimed offensive posts on social media as their ‘provocation’.”
The Wider Web
- Facebook Has All the Power–“One of the things that disturbed me about the episode was a milieu of casual behaviourism among Facebook workers, who don’t seem aware that this view of other people is enormously reductive.”
- Prince Fielder’s Naked ESPN Cover Is Sexy As Hell–“He’s an 162-day-a-year reminder that cultural body norms are almost always short-sighted and lacking, at the very least.”
- Thoughts on my first programming conference–“Last night, at the Software Carpentry mixer, a grand total of 5 men shook my husband’s hand and ignored mine.”
- Personal “Preference” or Personal Prejudices?–“Well, I just stopped by to stomp on your fee-fees and tell you that you sound pretty damned racist.”
- Met Police encourages Twitter pile-ons–“Funny how they were so quick to reply to my first tweet, and now they’re nowhere to be seen.”
- Jesus, Why Can’t I Be A Secular Humanist?–“‘But God never called himself the universe. Humanists did that. Research Secular Humanism and you’ll see this is not semantics. It’s a human attempt to eliminate GOD.'”
- Why Robin Thicke is the new Vanilla Ice–“There are a lot of parallel lines you can find between their stories. Both are white dudes who seemingly crossed racial boundaries and united people in a shared love for terrible dance tunes.”
- A Convention Where Fandoms Converge–“Why do there appear to be alcoholic beverages in the hands of people who are considered straightedge shut-ins by a majority of the population?”
- My First SkepchickCon–“Speaking in front of people is a lot less scary when you care a lot about the topic, your panel is full of awesome people, and you have a great moderator.”
- A Congressman Questioned A Woman Living In Poverty And Revealed A Lot About Himself–“He also questioned her on whether she is ‘partisan’ because she serves as a ward leader in Philadelphia, helping people to vote, and is a Democrat.”
- The Sexual Politics of Autism–“Asperger was writing in a different era, of course, when these gender bifurcations were commonly accepted. But these ideas haven’t disappeared with modernity, thanks in large part to the work of psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen, one of today’s most famous autism scientists.”
- Rosie O’Donnell, New Co-Host of The View, Killed an Endangered Hammerhead Shark–“After controversial anti-vaccine activist Jenny McCarthy was let go from The View, the producers were presumably looking for someone with less of a history of being on the wrong side of public policy.”
- “Where Is Clarion For Editors?” discussion from Readercon–“Which I think speaks to the original premise: there is a lot of know-how in the heads of editors and I want there to be a structured way to pass on at least some portion of it.”
- Some Things I’m Tired Of Hearing From Men About Women in Tech–“Secondly, I thought we talked about this being a flexible industry that’s great for everyone. Did that tagline change to ‘no worse than Wall Street?’ I must have missed that memo.”
- First woman arrested under Tennessee law that criminalizes pregnancy outcomes–“But rather than listen to demands from people and organizations across the state to expand access to care, lawmakers acted to criminalize pregnant women and new mothers.”
- Photographers Sue Feds Over “Unconstitutional” Surveillance Program–“Because of his efforts to photograph several refineries ‘at night for aesthetic reasons, to capture the refinery illuminated against the dark night sky,’ he was stopped by two security guards who contacted the Contra Costa sheriff’s department.”
- Federal Court: Indiana Must Allow Secular Celebrants to Solemnize Marriages–“Addressing whether secular officiants should simply settle for obtaining ‘clergy’ status through quasi-religious mail-order enterprises, or whether secular organizations should just refer to themselves as ‘religious’ despite being explicitly nonreligious, Judge Easterbrook dismissed the idea, saying it would only serve to make hypocrites of nonreligious couples and groups.”
- Feynman is not my hero–“Because every time I hear someone in my department or in one of my classes go on about how Feynman was so awesome I mean he was kind of a jerk to women but whatever, I file him (and it is almost always always a him) away as someone who would have sided against me in every single one of the situations I’ve mentioned.”
- Publicolor: Help kids paint their path to college–“100 students have defied the odds to enrolled in college this fall. The one thing missing: FUNDING.”
- St. Paul baseball team trolls Christians on Twitter during annual ‘Atheist Night’–“‘More exciting for some of you tonight, whether we win or lose or whether we’re punished & ballpark goes up in flames,’ another message quipped.”
- On Public Speaking While Fat–“As a woman, you are always going to be fat. People are always going to trot that one out to try and insult you, like taking up more space in the world, as a woman, is the absolute worst thing you can do.”
- When Visual Storytellers Get Going…–“‘Now all I need is free time,’ she said, and waxed briefly poetic about this elusive beast.”
- Africa Is Not a Derailment Tactic: Why Belittling ‘First World Problems’ Is Oppressive–“Your misogyny filters down to us. Your cissexism filters down to us. Your heterosexism filters down to us. Your racism filters down to us.”
- If old white men feel maligned, they should take their own advice to minorities–“These suggestions are often presented as radically simple solutions to centuries of structural inequality.”
- Post-midnight All-Star fireworks irritate some Minneapolis residents–“The invitation-only gala was scheduled to start after the Home Run Derby at nearby Target Field, which organizers projected would be about 10 p.m. But rain delayed the Derby by an hour, leading to the start of the fireworks being pushed past midnight.”
- Conor Oberst and the Myth of the Woman Who Cried Rape–“But that temptation should be avoided, in the interest of basic honesty. After all, this story has nothing to do with the claim that women have consensual sex and ‘cry rape’ afterwards.”
- 12 more viral fakes–“No, that supermoon isn’t real. No, that’s not what happens when sand is struck by lightning. And no, that’s not a sex-ed class from 1929.”
- Weird Al’s “Word Crimes” Video–“You’re all going to love this video because it’s catchy, and well done, and charming in many so many ways. It’s frickin’ adorable, and I wish I could love it with you, but I can’t.”
This looks like a good one, but they all are. And that’s a talent, imo, not unlike the ability to make a good playlist, a talent I appreciate.
I watched ‘Word Crimes’ a few days ago after checking out the video that inspired it (that shall not be named). It made me a fan of Weird Al, something I’ve avoided for decades.