Criticizing Caitlyn Jenner Without Being Terrible

CN: References to violent, transphobic, and ableist language. Mentions of the murders of trans people, deadnaming, and negative attitudes on mental illness and mental disability.

Every time Caitlyn Jenner’s name appears in my social media feeds, and every time I hear her name out loud, I sigh. Between tabloid rumors about de-transitioning (unlikely) and adopting a baby, new interviews in the media in which she says she wants to be Ted Cruz’ “trans ambassador,” and her ongoing TV show “I am Cait,” it’s hard not to see her come up frequently. Family members and co-workers ask me about her. Other trans people rant about her. It’s impossible to get away.

But the reason I sigh isn’t only because of anything Jenner says herself. Sure, she’s a pretty bad representative of the trans community, since her enormous economic privilege makes her immune to many of the daily struggles trans people deal with every day. She says harmful things I disagree with on a regular basis. I was worried when she was coming out that Jenner would be seen by many as the public face of the transgender community, and this has unfortunately turned out to be largely true. But I am also sighing because of the responses. So many people’s responses are, frankly, terrible.

Every time Jenner says something awful people respond. Mostly I see these responses on Facebook and Twitter, though occasionally I hear them in person too. People rightly get frustrated and angry when she says she likes the political positions of Republican politicians. But much of the time the responses don’t address the problems with her comments – they attack her in ways that are transphobic, violent, or ableist.

To start from the simplest part: It is simply not okay to missgender someone, no matter how vile their views may be. Yet I often see comments from people who disagree with Jenner using her deadname and calling her “he” when writing about their disagreement. This simply isn’t okay – it’s not okay to missgender Jenner, me, or any other trans person or cis person or genderqueer person you disagree with. It’s not okay to call Ann Coulter a man either, by the way. You use the correct pronouns and names for people, no matter what.

It’s worth asking why on this – why should someone with vile opinions be respected like that? It’s an issue of splash damage. In fact, this will be true of all of my criticisms of how people talk about Jenner – it’s not because of the damage done to her when horrible things are said about her online. I’m not really that worried about Caitlyn Jenner’s feelings. It’s because calling her by her deadname normalizes the idea that there are circumstances in which that’s an okay thing to do. Doing it to Jenner makes it easier for people to do it to someone like me with far less power, or someone like my black trans women friends, who have even less power in the world than I do. It gives legitimacy to the idea that our identities are dependent upon living up to some standard of behavior, and it’s simply not true. Our identities are legitimate, no matter what.

The second worrying type of response I hear when people are angry about Jenner’s comments are ones of violence. The violence ranges from people saying they wish someone would slap her, all the way to calls for her murder.

Trans people are murdered and staggeringly high rates, and trans women are at an even higher risk than trans men (though we get killed plenty too). So when someone directs violent language at a trans woman, even one as economically privileged as Jenner, it’s frightening. Even jokes about running her over with a bus or similar are said in the context of the real fear trans people have about violence. It’s a very REAL threat in our lives.

I’m not generally one to like violent rhetoric towards anyone, but I can understand it when people in seriously marginalized groups direct real violence (riots) or jokes about violence against those with enormous power. But when this is done against someone who is from a marginalized population, especially one with as much risk of violence as trans people, it runs the risk of minimizing or even legitimizing
the violence against that group.

Finally, a lot of what I see from comments from friends of friends is highly ableist responses. The most common ableist slur I found on a recent Facebook post was “delusional.” People also call Jenner “stupid” “retarded” and “crazy.” She is, of course, none of these things. To the best of my knowledge Jenner does not have any mental illness and is not mentally disabled, though even if those things were true these words would not be okay to throw around.

The thing is, people can be wrong – even painfully, harmfully, or extremely wrong, without being “stupid” or “crazy.” Jenner has attitudes and beliefs that are seriously harmfully wrong, and they are not the product of a brain condition. Wrong beliefs and harmful attitudes exist without the help of mental illness or mental disability, and many mentally ill and disabled people have lots of true, good, and helpful attitudes and beliefs.

It does harm to mentally ill and mentally disabled people to equate harmful and wrong attitudes with these conditions. Mental illness doesn’t make someone a bad person, and mental disability doesn’t create bigotry or authoritarian attitudes or anything like that.

All of these harmful attacks also mean that attitudes like Jenner’s get written off without being meaningfully challenged. Instead of going after Caitlyn Jenner and anyone else that we disagree with by attacking their identities, threatening violence, or using ableist attacks, instead it’s worth taking a little more time to talk about why those attitudes are harmful. By all means, discuss how Jenner’s decision to put herself before the media as a spokesperson for the trans community is hurtful, especially to those who have been working for these issues for a lifetime. Talk about how conservative politics like Jenner’s lead to serious harm to the rights and lives of trans people and other minority groups.

Go after the ideas, and we might make some progress.

Criticizing Caitlyn Jenner Without Being Terrible

5 thoughts on “Criticizing Caitlyn Jenner Without Being Terrible

  1. 1

    Jenner isn’t, as far as I can tell, mentally impaired in any obvious way. She’s just wrong, wrong, a thousand times wrong — in my perhaps not so humble opinion. 🙂 That doesn’t mean she doesn’t have mental health issues; lots of us do, and we function just fine in general, and if she is having such a struggle I do feel for her… but I doubt that would drive her politics, even so.

    I don’t understand the resistance of people to transitioning and name change. Hell, even just name change throws people off. My cis nephew decided, as an adult, that when he shifted from being in the Navy to being a civilian, he’d like to go by his middle name. That’s cool with me, but many in the family PROUDLY announced that they wouldn’t use his middle name. He’d “always” been Firstname, and he’d damned well be Firstname in the future. Really? Such a simple preference, and you proudly deny it???? That shocked me, and I wondered how it must be for trans folks who want both a name and a pronoun change.

    People are such jerks sometimes.

  2. 3

    I can only find one fault with your post and that’s that it’s too comprehensive 😉 Hardly room to add anything.
    Or maybe one last point: General misogynistic remarks about Jenner’s appearance. Attacking her for being too conventionally attractive, for liking nail polish, yadda, yadda, yadda.
    While I am very critical of the beauty industry and the narrow constraints of “beauty” I will not lay the burden of dismantling that system at the feet of any individual woman who always has to navigate those dangerous paths* and especially not at the feet of a trans woman who, no matter how rich and privileged, still has an additional hurdle to jump.

    *How much skin must we reveal, how much must we cover? How many more open eds about whether you can be a feminist and still wear make up or high heels or shave your legs or some other fucking thing?

  3. 4

    Well-said. I am no fan of Caitlyn Jenner, but I have zero patience with people misgendering and deadnaming her. If you intentionally misgender a trans person – *any* trans person – you’re by extension calling into question the identities of me and all my trans siblings. Criticize Jenner’s views all you want, but nothing that comes out of her mouth can excuse stripping her of her authentic identity.

  4. 5

    “Or maybe one last point: General misogynistic remarks about Jenner’s appearance. Attacking her for being too conventionally attractive, for liking nail polish, yadda, yadda, yadda.”

    Yeah, the ones that bother me the most are comments like that from my fellow transwomen. You’d think we’d have gotten over judging other people for what they want to do with their new lives after going through our own experiences, but nope.

    I really feel the same way about Jenner as the author does. She may be trans, but I don’t feel she really helps the “brand” all that much.

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