Serial adulterer Newt Gingrich wanted an open marriage

Via ThinkProgress, more hypocrisy amongst the Republican candidates, this time by Newt Gingrich. How is it hypocrisy, you ask? Well, he believes marriage should be legislated and mandated by law to be one man, one woman.

But for his own marriage, he wanted one man, multiple women instead.

Of course, he wasn’t actually arguing for polyamory, just for the ability to cheat with impunity. And thank goodness, because I have a good deal of sympathy for the idea of polyamory — how consenting fully informed adults arrange their sex lives is nobody’s fucking concern but theirs, thankyouverymuch. I would hate for the movement for recognizing polyamory as a legitimate lifestyle to gain such a notable skeezoid as its new poster child.

ABC has apparently entered into a full-scale civil war over whether to air the interview with Marianne Gingrich immediately, or wait until AFTER the Repub primary in South Carolina. I guess they feel bad about scuttling Gingrich and damning the Republicans to Romney. Such a shame, where Gingrich was doing so well after his calling Obama a “food stamp president” in a not-at-all racist manner.

Serial adulterer Newt Gingrich wanted an open marriage