Chrstian propaganda: Every Young Man's Battle

This is a brutally clever re-cutting of a Christian anti-porn propaganda movie, showing all sorts of examples of people being so addicted to porn that they’ve ruined lives, and suggesting the only way to kick the habit is — like with everything else — to get right with Jesus. Funny that that always seems to be the panacea. And funny the sources they picked to back up their assertions — like Ted Fucking Bundy himself. That’s right, trust the serial killer and sociopath, bordering on criminal supervillain, to tell the truth when a lie could do so much more damage.

To be perfectly clear, there is a (slightly controversial) subtype of hypersexual disorder for pornography, but “porn addiction” is not presently recognized by the DSM. If anything, it’s a compulsive disorder much like gambling.

And for those who aren’t prone to life-ruining compulsive disorders, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying some pornography, even kinky stuff, as long as it involves fully-consenting adults. There’s nothing inherently wrong about exploring one’s own, nor one another’s, sexuality as long as consent is kept paramount. The fact that the god-botherers would rather nobody ever have sex except for procreative purposes, and even then to keep it as vanilla as possible, is shameful — they’re telling humans, in all their rainbow of sexual proclivities, that they’re broken, and the only way to fix themselves is to abstain from everything and seek forgiveness. Trying to convince us we’re broken, and that only they have the cure.

That’s the real shame here. Not that they’re playing people with a real condition as object lessons to the rest of the human race to make more Christians. They’re making something generally natural a sin. It’s sad, really.

Chrstian propaganda: Every Young Man's Battle

12 thoughts on “Chrstian propaganda: Every Young Man's Battle

  1. 3

    Of course it’s “every young man’s battle.” Everybody knows only men are at risk of porn addiction. Women have zero interest in porn, right?

  2. 5

    A rather important nitpick…Actual porn addiction is not a compulsive disorder. Compulsive disorders are the umbrella term for the spectrum that includes OCD. The only difference between any other compulsive disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder is the intensity of the need to engage in the compulsive behavior. These absolutely do *not* include gambling or porn or shopping, etc. There is a rather stringent debate about this, but there are very few psychologists who would list a legitimate addiction to porn, gambling, or shopping as anything but “addiction, not substance related.”

    The reason that porn addiction was not specifically listed in the DSM V, is that listing specific addictive behaviors would be absurd. There are so many behaviors that can be addictive, there is no possible way to include them all. Trying to list them would also inevitably leave behaviors out. While I sincerely doubt there are many folks afflicted with it, swimming could become an addictive behavior to someone. The only reason there are *any* substances specified for substance abuse disorders, is because some substances of abuse have their own specific characteristics. While this is also probably true of addictions, not substance related, there is so little research in that area, that we don’t have the ability to differentiate at this time.

    There are psychologists who will debate non-substance related addictions, but very few of them are actually in the field of addiction. And most of those who do, are actually talking about acute dependency which is a different thing altogether.

    Finally, it is extremely important to keep in mind that the DSM is somewhat arbitrary and extremely subjective. This has far less to do with the behaviors it tries to categorize, than it does with the nature of mechanisms of action. Depression is a very good example of this. There is little question that what we call depression has multiple causal mechanisms of action. Until we understand the brain far better than we do and have better imaging capabilities, it makes sense to characterize depression as a mental illness, rather than a category of mental illnesses. But at the same time, it is critically important to understand that in fact, it absolutely is a category of mental illnesses.

    The main utility of the DSM is to categorize mental illness for billing purposes. The secondary utility is as a starting point for pharmacological therapies. The only other significant utility is for research purposes. It has virtually no clinical utility whatever, for psychologists.

    And just to be very clear, addiction and other substance use disorders almost certainly have multiple mechanisms of action. You will not find any competent clinicians who specialize in substance use disorders and non-substance related addiction, who believe that substance use disorders and addiction have a singular mechanism of action. This is why, for example, programs that accept the disease model of addiction as absolute, have such abysmal failure rates. When we are more capable of understanding the brain and are thus able to offer more concrete, objective definitions for mental illnesses, these categories will fill out, with mental illnesses being categorized not only by behavior, but by causal mechanisms of action.

  3. 7

    They’re making something generally natural a sin. It’s sad, really.

    I’d say conniving and dishonest, not sad. A religious cult can’t offer a “solution” if it doesn’t invent a “problem” that only the cult can answer.

    The “problem” doesn’t actually exist, so the cults have to delude young people into believing it does before the cult can control them. In this case, “guilt trip” means the religions are sticking out their feet to make others fall and then “offer a hand to help them up”.

  4. 8

    There’s some sort of irony in the football coach taking a break from leading kids into simulated war so he can lecture them about the insidious moral dangers of simulated sex.

  5. 9

    I’m addicted to eating. Three big meals per day, with morning, afternoon, and night time snacks, and nibbles in between. It never stops. I cannot kick the habit. All day everyday, I just eat, and eat, and eat.

  6. 10

    @Hein: If this is, as I suspect, based originally on the asinine book “Every Man’s Battle”, there actually is a female version; only it doesn’t doesn’t deal with porn. It deals with “every woman’s” temptation to use their “feminine wiles” to get ahead, and assumes all non-Christian women “look for love in the wrong places” (following the wrongheaded assumption that women don’t actually have a sex drive).

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