Quite possibly the most moving two minute video ever

Presented with as little context as possible, intentionally, below the fold.

Once enough people watch and comment, I might add proper tags and categories to this post. Until then, no spoilers from me!

Update: Okay, some spoilers now.

Quite possibly the most moving two minute video ever

13 thoughts on “Quite possibly the most moving two minute video ever

  1. 2

    When we have to take someone out of a story to make a point it really hammers home how strong prejudice and bias can be. This video was well executed and I would that it be seen by everyone. Happy people are our goal and this video showcases that.

  2. 3

    I was delighted the other day about a small bit of progress in the effort to secure equal marriage rights for all people. I live in Connecticut (USA). The other day the Governor of the state announced the appointment of his new chief of staff. I listened to the report on the radio … blah blah blah, the usual stuff. Mr. So and So appointed… He gave a few comments (paraphrased) “It will be a challenge. … honor to be appointed … I am grateful for the support of my husband. … blah blah blah…”

    No comment, not even a mention that this is a marriage of two men. It wasn’t part of the story. The news was the appointment of a person who happens to married, and happens to be married to one of the same gender.

    It was a quiet little triumph, but it made me so happy that I cried.

  3. 4

    Don’t know what triggered it but the moment that he pulled out the ring I suddenly knew the next bit.
    Good to see that people can put up a video like this these days and get positive comments on it instead of having to fear being chased around (even if it’s only acting).

  4. 5

    I’ve seen that going around Facebook and it makes me teary-eyed and sentimental every single time. Can’t we have this? Can’t we let people fall in love and have barbeques and go on dates and be happy?

  5. 6

    No comment, not even a mention that this is a marriage of two men. It wasn’t part of the story.

    Some day that will be the way it is everywhere, every time. We’ll all work for it. Just keep talking. The other day my 81-year-old Mom said to me “How can anyone claim that there is no love there?” This, when a few years ago,she was still convinced that the bathhouse was all there was to gay relationships, because that was the only kind she had ever heard about. So we all have to keep talking, keep making them articulate their objections and show them that the “Ick”-factor is not a good enough reason, that it really is a human rights issue.

    We’ll get there.

  6. 7

    I’ve seen that going around Facebook and it makes me teary-eyed and sentimental every single time. Can’t we have this? Can’t we let people fall in love and have barbeques and go on dates and be happy?

    What? And make Jesus cry? Humans are so depraved.

  7. 9

    That was sweet.

    Last night I was kickin’ around Netflix for an hour-ish something to watch before bed. At random, I started up an episode of Undercover Boss with the CEO of Norwegian Cruise Lines. One of his employees mentioned in conversation to him that she was saving up to marry her girlfriend. Didn’t faze him in the least, though he did ask if she faced any problems aboard the ship because of her “situation” (which I took to mean asking if she faced any homophobia). At the end of the show, he arranged for the two of them to get married on one of the company’s cruise ships, expenses paid or something like that.

    Seeing things like that; it seems to me that most everyone’s on board with this, save a few holdouts that have more political power than brains.

  8. 11

    That’s a great video. Here’s hoping in the future more and more people will be able to confirm their love for another like straight couples can.

  9. 13

    I teared up, but my 22-yr-old daughter didn’t get what was so special about the video. I had told her that there was a “trick ending.” She watched it through to the end and then asked me what she was supposed to have noticed. I think it took an effort on her part to not roll her eyes when I pointed out the “reveal”: the video had sprung a gay couple on the viewer. According to my daughter, that move would only work for members of the “older generation” (ouch!). Her reaction makes me very happy because, if you will pardon me for being a little corny, she does represent the future.

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