Kittens for the Secular Student Alliance!

The SSA Week fundraising marathon has raised another $1,000! We’ve now raised over $55,000. So, as promised, here is another kitten photo.

In fact, because we’ve reached a $5,000 mark, here are two kitten photos! This is Comet and Talisker sitting on the top of our flat-screen TV — and Talisker exiting it rapidly. (Maybe she got spooked when Fry from Futurama appeared on the TV with the sign saying “The End Is Nigh.”)

Again: For every $1,000 that the Secular Student Alliance Blogathon raises during SSA Week, I will post another kitten photo to my blog. If you want more — donate to the Secular Student Alliance now!

The widget for donating is right over there in the sidebar, to your right. —–>

And remember: Jeff Hawkins and Janet Strauss have a $250,000 matching offer in place for the SSA, so any contribution you make will automatically be doubled. If you have $50,000 give that. If you have $50, give that. If you have $5, give that. If you don’t have any money, but you’re on Facebook or Twitter, help spread the word. (Twitter hashtag: #SSAWeek .) The goal is to raise $100,000 by the end of SSA Week. Do it for the kittens!

Kittens for the Secular Student Alliance!

2 thoughts on “Kittens for the Secular Student Alliance!

  1. jba

    First: If I had money, I would donate it to the SSA. Not because it’s a worthy cause (although it is) but because you promoted it with cats and I have a soft spot. I don’t deny it.

    Second: If I had found a email link for you I would have sent this there, but I didn’t. However I really want to know your opinion on this:
    As an LDS apostate I have certain opinions from the get go, but I respect your opinion on sexuality a great deal and really want to know what you think. Thanks.

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