From the Archives: For No Good Reason: Atheist Transcendence at the Black and White Tour

Since I moved to the Freethought Blogs network, I have a bunch of new readers who aren’t familiar with my greatest hits from my old, pre-FTB blog. So I’m linking to some of them, about one a day, to introduce them to the new folks.

Today’s archive treasure: For No Good Reason: Atheist Transcendence at the Black and White Tour. The tl;dr: You don’t need religion to experience meaning and transcendence. Meaning and transcendence can be found in a finite, entirely physical life. And it can be found in some very odd areas of that life — including Morris dancing.

A nifty pull quote:

There is no good reason on this earth to do Morris dancing. It is an utterly pointless activity. Okay, you get some exercise and social contact… but really. You can get social contact anywhere, and you can get better exercise at the gym. And you don’t have to strap bells to your legs and wave handkerchiefs around like an idiot to do it. It isn’t constructive, it isn’t important, it doesn’t produce anything. All it produces is joy.

Which, if you’re an atheist, is kind of what life is like.

There’s no purpose or meaning to it, other than the purpose and meaning we create. In a few decades, we’re all going to be gone, dust in the ground or ashes in the wind. In a few million years, the earth and everything on it will be gone, boiled away into the Sun. And if the physicists and astronomers are right, in a few billion years the Universe will essentially be gone, dissipated into a thin scattering of atoms dotted throughout vast stretches of empty space. There’s no light at the end of the tunnel, no prize in the CrackerJacks, no final chapter that ties up all the loose ends. And there’s no big daddy in the sky to shake your hand at the end of it and say, “You done good, kid. Here’s your blue ribbon.”

And yet, here we are. We were, against wildly astronomical odds, born. The chances against any one of us having been born are so high as to be laughable; the chances against there having been life on this planet at all defy description. No, there’s no purpose to it, if by “purpose” you mean “being a cog in someone else’s machine.” There’s no reason for it to have happened, except that it did. And the meaning of it is whatever meaning we create. The meaning of it is to diminish suffering and create joy and connection, for ourselves and for each other, for as long as we’re here.


From the Archives: For No Good Reason: Atheist Transcendence at the Black and White Tour

3 thoughts on “From the Archives: For No Good Reason: Atheist Transcendence at the Black and White Tour

  1. 3

    looks like the commenting lines disappeared. so here again:

    statement:In a few million years, the earth and everything on it will be gone, boiled away into the Sun.

    Make that a few billion years. You’re off a factor of say 4000

    Statement:in a few billion years the Universe will essentially be gone

    Oh please, read a book on cosmology

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