Atheist Meme of the Day: Religion is a Bad Answer for the Unexplained

Scarlet letter
Today’s Atheist Meme of the Day, from my Facebook page. Pass this on; or don’t; or edit it as you see fit; or make up your own. Enjoy!

“Science can’t explain X, therefore X must be supernatural” is a lousy argument for religion. It takes the empty spaces in a coloring book, and fills them all in with blue. Unexplained phenomenon have never been eventually explained by the supernatural; why would we assume “supernatural” is the best answer for anything we don’t understand? Pass it on: if we say it enough times to enough people, it may get across.

Atheist Meme of the Day: Religion is a Bad Answer for the Unexplained

4 thoughts on “Atheist Meme of the Day: Religion is a Bad Answer for the Unexplained

  1. 1

    “Unexplained phenomenon have never been eventually explained by the supernatural.”
    Oh yeah? Well what about electromagnetism?
    Oh wait, I’m sorry, I look to be a century off. I meant, “What about quantum?”
    What? Quantum mechanics is natural? Hmmph.

  2. 2

    Heh. It takes the empty spaces in the coloring book and cuts them out so no one can ever color anything in there.
    I love these atheist memes (and the kitty pix also).

  3. 3

    cuts them out so no one can ever color anything in there
    And screams bloody murder when scientists pit the pieces back in and colour them correctly.

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