Atheist Meme of the Day: Atheism Is Not an Excuse for Immorality

Scarlet letter
Today’s Atheist Meme of the Day, from my Facebook page. Pass this on; or don’t; or edit it as you see fit; or make up your own. Enjoy!

Atheism does not free people to do whatever selfish or immoral acts they want. The basics of human ethics are almost certainly hard-wired into our brains from millions of years of evolution as social animals — and atheists have that wiring as much as anybody else. Pass it on: if we say it enough times to enough people, it may get across.

Atheist Meme of the Day: Atheism Is Not an Excuse for Immorality

7 thoughts on “Atheist Meme of the Day: Atheism Is Not an Excuse for Immorality

  1. 2

    Quite apart from evolution, there are ways to act that add to everyone’s prosperity…and ways that emphatically don’t. And we have tens of thousands of years of historic case studies to guide us.
    Re: dmabus
    Godlessness might not neccessarily lead to immorality, but apparently the internet is an excuse to be an idiot for some people 🙁

  2. 3

    Not only is it possible to be moral without religion, it’s easy!
    It’s not like when I became an atheist I suddenly thought “Oh wow! Now I can kill people I don’t like and rape women I find attractive but who won’t go on a date with me.”
    If anything, it occurred to me that the god of the Bible, if it actually existed, didn’t even live up to the standards of morality that Christianity purported to offer. In other words, I gradually became an atheist in part because morality mattered to me, not because it didn’t.

  3. 4

    @EatenByCthulhu: The one that always gets me is how people say, “Well, why don’t you kill and steal?” as if, just by lacking belief in divine authority, one immediately forgets all about the presence of earthly authority. Even if you wanted to be immoral with impunity, God is not your first hurdle – the cops are.

  4. 5

    They also forget that there are a lot of people who has never been believers. How did I manage to get it to 40 without ever stealing or killing… I wonder?? Not all people turn atheists, they’ve always been. I guess those people just start with killing their neighbors at the age of 5 or something…

  5. 6

    They also forget that there are a lot of people who has never been believers. How did I manage to get it to 40 without ever stealing or killing… I wonder??

    The global atheist conspiracy works tirelessly to keep the immoral acts of atheists hidden.

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