The Case of the Missing Bisexual

Missing bisexual
I have a new piece on the Blowfish Blog. It features my harebrained speculation on why there are so few quote unquote “true” bisexuals — i.e., bisexuals who are attracted to women and men equally, and truly have no preference for one or the other. It’s called The Case of the Missing Bisexual, and here’s the teaser:

One of the interesting puzzles about sexual orientation is the way it’s distributed in the population. It’s very far from a neat bell curve, with a few heterosexuals and homosexuals at either end, and a big peak in the bisexual middle. It’s not even a slanty bell curve, peaking sharply at “more or less heterosexual” and sloping down gradually towards “more or less homosexual.”

Instead, it’s a double bell curve — with one peak near “leaning towards straight,” and another, smaller peak near “leaning towards gay.” (The height and shape and location of these peaks vary depending on who’s doing the study… but the basic “double bell curve with one high peak and one low” pattern seems to hold pretty steady.)

Translation: Very few people are strictly straight or strictly gay… but most people do have something of a preference for one gender or the other. Quote unquote “true” bisexuals, people who are attracted to women and men equally, are fairly rare. Even if we take self-identification out of the picture — even if we define orientation purely on the basis of desire or behavior — we still see this tendency.

Why would this be?

To find out why I think this is, read the rest of the piece. (And if you’re inspired to comment here in this blog, please consider cross-posting your comment to the Blowfish Blog. They like comments there, too.) Enjoy!

The Case of the Missing Bisexual

Atheist Meme of the Day: Atheists Can Be Happy and Moral

Scarlet letter
Today’s Atheist Meme of the Day, from my Facebook page. Pass this on; or don’t; or edit it as you see fit; or make up your own. Enjoy!

Religion is not necessary for either morality or happiness. There are many countries where half or more of the population are non-believers — and these countries actually have higher- than- average rates of social health. Pass it on: if we say it enough times to enough people, it may get across.

Atheist Meme of the Day: Atheists Can Be Happy and Moral

Atheist Meme of the Day: Atheists Know that Science is Flawed

Scarlet letter
Today’s Atheist Meme of the Day, from my Facebook page. Pass this on; or don’t; or edit it as you see fit; or make up your own. Enjoy!

Atheists understand that science is imperfect. We just think that, as a way of understanding the world, it’s the best method we have. It’s flawed and biased — but it’s much less flawed and biased than intuition or subjective experience or trusting authority figures, and it has built-in ways of self-correcting over time. Pass it on: if we say it enough times to enough people, it may get across.

Atheist Meme of the Day: Atheists Know that Science is Flawed