If You Were Evil, Who Would You Be?

If you were an international figure of evil, who would you be?

Over at Respectful Insolence, Orac has been getting a wee bit tired of being compared to Hitler by vaccine denialists, and is pleading with his attackers to at least come up with some more original slurs. So at Traumatized By Truth, DuWayne Brayton has heeded the call, and has come up with a vastly entertaining list of prominent skeptical bloggers… appropriately renamed as international figures of evil. (My favorite is Osama Greg Laden…)

Mata Hari_Paris_1910
And I am thrilled to be on the list, as Greta Hari. “Flaunting evidence, sexuality and erototoxins – she’s into that toxic sludge marinading too!!!1!!111!!!”

I couldn’t be prouder.

So are there any other skeptical bloggers who you’d nominate for this honor? (If so, please post your suggestions on Traumatized By Truth as well as here, since DuWayne is continuing to update his list.)

And if you were an international figure of evil, who would you be?

If You Were Evil, Who Would You Be?

9 thoughts on “If You Were Evil, Who Would You Be?

  1. 4

    Very nice one David (and up now – though I preferred “turning the tables on the inquisition”)…But I seem to recall you making some rather islamosatanistcthuluesquesocialist comments yourself – you need a blog man!!!

  2. 5

    Sorry, I should have been clearer about that, since you were asking two different questions.
    My first comment, above, is my nomination of a name for the evil blogger list (a mash-up of Ben Goldacre and Torquemada, obviously).
    As for who I would be? Oh, probably the bearded Spock from the mirror universe. (Sorry, I can’t think of a historical figure that suits me.)
    ~David D.G.

  3. 6

    Oh, probably the bearded Spock from the mirror universe. (Sorry, I can’t think of a historical figure that suits me.)

    That’s totally cool. Fictional is fine with me. And it seems to be fine with DuWayne, since bad Astronomer has been recast as Bad Ass Cylon…

  4. 9

    Che Guevera. Here is a flamming, murderous asshole who has managed in death to recreate himself as a great advocate of the working class stiff. Che has to be a one of a kind. Only a fool would continue to idolize Mao or Lenin… but somehow Che was able to catapult himself into legendary T-shirt status.

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