Dumbfuckery du Jour

When you become a Con, you apparently get a little license that allows you to be an outrageous hypocrite.  Case in point:

I’m embarrassed to admit, I didn’t see this line of attack coming. It just seemed too ridiculous, even for Republicans, but I’m reminded why low expectations are rarely low enough with these folks.

For the second straight year, the first family has landed on this island of quaint seaside towns, second homes and working farms for a late-summer getaway.

But this year, more so than last, political opponents are trying to hang a question over the visit: Does President Obama deserve a vacation?

The Republican National Committee has taken to calling Obama “the Clark Griswold president,” a mocking reference to the Chevy Chase character in National Lampoon’s “Vacation” movies. With unemployment claims climbing again, the GOP was hoping its criticism would have a certain national resonance. And maybe it will.

I haven’t the foggiest idea whether the public will actually hold a 10-day break against the president, but this even being a subject of discussion is bizarre.
Before 2000, the president with the most vacation time in the modern era was Reagan. Bush not only beat Reagan’s record, he did so with 17 months to spare. Spanning his two terms, Bush spent 487 days at Camp David, and 490 days at a ranch in Crawford. That’s a total of 977 days — about a third of his overall presidency.
And Republicans are going after Obama’s down time? Seriously?

This is taking IOKIYAR to absurd extremes.  These dumbshits are more like a comedy sketch than a political party.  In point o’ fact, there are plenty of comedians who are better at politics than they are – Sen. Al Franken, for example.  There are comedians who deserve to be taken far more seriously than our Cons – Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert spring to mind.  Why we don’t laugh these fucktards out of our political discourse is an impenetrable mystery to me.

Until we do laugh them off the stage, they’ll strangle the political discourse like kudzu.  There are conservatives who have brains and occasionally use them, whom one can disagree with but only after giving serious consideration to their points.  The Cons up on the national stage right now are not those conservatives.  And our discourse, not to mention our nation, suffers for it.

They’re not even useful idiots, unless you’re a corporation looking for handouts, or a rich bastard looking to rake in cash from the pockets of the poor.  They have no fucking credibility on any subject whatsoever.  Can our pathetic political media please start admitting that and taking some time to call them out for their hypocrisy, inanity, and general dumbfuckery rather than just regurgitating their pointless talking points?

Yeah, I know the answer.  Doesn’t mean I’ll stop asking.

And a memo to the idiots using the idiots for fun and obscene profit: fire’s useful, too – until it gets out of control and burns your neighborhood down.  Keep that in mind.

Dumbfuckery du Jour

Dumbfuckery du Jour

Typos in this post are solely the responsibility of my cat, who has decided that my arm is the best bed in the house.  I suppose it’s better than being ignored.

And it’s certainly better than being as ignorant as Jon Kyl:

David Broder’s column yesterday covered familiar ground — the Washington Post columnist is still disappointed with both parties — but there was one point in particular that stood out. (thanks to N.B. for the tip)
The Post reported earlier this week that, as Senate Republicans delay consideration of a new strategic arms treaty with Russia, the previous framework has lapsed. As a result, “for the first time in 15 years, U.S. officials have lost their ability to inspect Russian long-range nuclear bases.” Broder notes the political context.

The inspections were guaranteed by the old START agreement, which expired in December. The successor treaty was negotiated in April, but the Senate has not taken it up because several Republican senators have raised questions about its possible effect on plans to modernize the U.S. nuclear fleet.

Republican Richard Lugar, probably the Senate’s leading authority on nuclear disarmament, told reporter Mary Beth Sheridan that the delay “is very serious and impacts our national security.”

But Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona, the deputy Republican leader and one of the main voices challenging the urgency of action, told Sheridan he had assumed the inspections were continuing. What a price to pay for ignorance.

Indeed, Republicans holding up the new nuclear treaty have largely ignored the lapsed nuclear checks. Kyl, who’s helped lead the way in obstructing progress, was asked about the inspection cutoff. “I thought we were just going to continue doing business as usual” as the replacement treaty was debated, he said.
It’s a reminder that GOP obstructionism is not only abusive of institutional and national interests, it’s also often based on Republican ignorance about issues of global importance.

There are a great many reasons why I’m glad to have left Arizona.  The fact that my former state has a Senator this fucking ignorant is in the top 10.  Apparently, his momma never told him that when he assumes, he makes an ass out of himself and everyone who voted for him.  Oh, and incidentally, puts the entire fucking nation at risk.

This is how America ends: not with a bang, but with a “Dur, I dint know dat!”

Dumbfuckery du Jour

Dumbfuckery du Jour

Well, the results are in, and Washington State shall be choosing between Sen. Patty Murray and Dino Rossi this fall.  So now’s probably a good time to mention just what a math-challenged fucktard Dino Rossi is:

Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) has embraced the Obama administration’s proposal to allow the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest two percent of Americans to expire, while renewing those for the lower- and middle-class. Rossi, though, wants to extend all of the cuts, saying that allowing those for the rich to expire is a “class warfare program”:

Rossi argued that 2 1/2 million people in Washington benefit from the 2001 Bush tax cuts, the extension of which will be a major issue in Congress this fall. Rossi described as “this class warfare program” the Obama administration’s plan to extend the cuts enjoyed by middle-income taxpayers, while repealing tax cuts for high-income households.

There are about 6.7 million people in Washington state, so for Rossi’s number to be accurate, he’s either claiming that Obama and Murray want to raise taxes on people that they don’t, or he is claiming that more than one-third of the state’s population is making more than $200,000 per year. 

I’m sure you know what the answer is, but for just how wrong Dino Rossi is about Washingtonian wealth, click through to the link above for the number.  Now we just have to decide whether Dino is stupid, lying, or a stupid fucking liar.

Speaking of other stupid fucking liars for Senate, let’s have some vintage Sharron Angle:

For anyone familiar with the mantra of fundamentalist Christians, what I’m about to share will not surprise you. What might surprise you, though, is how doggedly Sharron Angle pursued the question of a high school football team wearing black jerseys for one homecoming game.
Back in 1992, Sharron Angle waged her very first public campaign — against black football jerseys. After the local favorites had been defeated by an upstart team of newbies from a neighboring county in 1991, the coach came up with this for the following year:

Springing ahead, Jones came up with an innovative idea to fire up his charges for their 1992 homecoming game against Laughlin. Utilizing the “darkest day” theme, he suggested the Muckers could wear black jerseys to remember the previous year’s debacle.

All politics is local, and nothing ratchets up the heat faster than high school sports, schools, and religious zealots. There were two factions opposing the coach’s idea. Those who objected to any color but school colors on the field, and Sharron Angle’s group, who objected on these grounds:

Also opposing the black jerseys was another group including Angle, a member, if not its leader.
They argued against our charges wearing black on religious grounds.

I cannot quote scripture as they did to justify their point but the gist of their argument was that black as a color was thoroughly evil, invoking the supernatural and especially the devil my take from dictionary definitions and not from scripture .

Angle’s weird and extreme position comes from the theology of light and dark articulated throughout the Bible. It’s based on a literal reading of Scriptural passages invoking metaphorical applications of light and dark, culminating in Jesus’ proclamation that he is the “light of the world”. 

Yes, that’s just the kind of reasoning the Senate needs.  She reminds me of the dumbshits in my community who pitched a fit over our high school basketball team, charmingly named the Sand Devils.  Y’see, Arizona’s team is the Sun Devils, cuz it’s the Valley of the Sun, and so we called our team the Sand Devils, cuz we lived in a place where, when the wind blew, you could step outside nekkid for a quick and vigorous exfoliation.  It was cute and clever and led to endless angst from the Bible-thumping crowd, who freaked out over the name of the team (ZOMG devils!!1!11!!!) and the mascot (a cute, fat little cherub-devil sort o’ thing).  Our mascot/logo had to be encased in a whirlwind because the fundies freaked when it was redesigned to show the whole devil.  Somehow, a devil in a dust devil didn’t excite their fury quite so much as a non-dust-deviled devil.  Go fucking figure.

We used to laugh our arses off at their rabid batshit insanity, and I guarantee you we’d not for an instant have taken one of them seriously as a prospect for Senate.  When folks freak this badly over the ball team, you know they’re a little too god-delusioned to serve in a public capacity without going off on ridiculous crusades.  What’s sad is that Sharron Angle actually makes our frothing fundie mascot-haters look reasonable in contrast.  At least they weren’t freaking out over a mere color.

Keeping with the theme of religious inanity, someone hasn’t been paying attention to the “render unto Caesar” part of their Bible:

The ironically named Dove World Church — whose pastor, Terry Jones, has written a book called “Islam Is Of The Devil,” which is also emblazoned on a sign outside the institution — is planning to host “International Burn A Quran Day” on September 11. But the radical church ran into a new roadblock yesterday as Gainesville city officials “denied a burn permit” for the church for the event, effectively telling them doing so would be illegal. The church, undeterred, sent out an e-mail to supporters promising to hold the burning event anyway:

Gainesville officials denied a burn permit for a church that plans to burn copies of the Quran on the ninth anniversary of the September 11 attacks. The Gainesville church, the Dove World Outreach Center, has a history of inflammatory comments and campaigns against Islam and remained defiant despite the burn permit denial.

In an e-mail sent out Wednesday, the church said, “City of Gainesville denies burn permit – BUT WE WILL STILL BURN KORANS.”

This, of course, will make it necessary for them to fleece the flock for the cost of the fines.  Now, I’m all for the burning of books – when there’s a living author who stands to make a profit off of other people’s dumbfuckery, and we’re talking mass-produced items rather than one-of-a-kind manuscripts.  But in this case, the copyright’s run out, the original author has been dead for well over a thousand years, and all they’re doing is wasting paper while they prove what dickheads they are.  It’s a pointless excercise – we already know they’re stupid fucking jackasses.  A demonstration in this case is overkill.

Maybe they should listen to Ted Olson, a conservative who, in some cases, isn’t a jackass at all.  But I’ve the sad feeling they’d burn him, too.

Dumbfuckery du Jour

Dumbfuckery du Jour

It’s going to take me days to dig out.  We didn’t have internet access at the hotel – not because they didn’t have wi-fi, but because they didn’t have a hard line, and something went wonky with my wi-fi on my computer long ago which I’ve never bothered to fix.  So that was two days’ worth of Twitter, science blogs, and political blogs I missed.  I’ve managed to catch up on ye old Twitter reading, and I’m mostly done with the Washington Monthly.

It appears the political world exploded into yet more burning stupid flames whilst I was away.  Let’s see if I can sum up:

The Chamber of Commerce believes that females like myself are totally responsible for the pay gap between genders, because of all that time we demand away from work.  Or something.  And demanding equal pay for equal work is “Scrouge-like.”  Oh, and we wouldn’t be in this situation if we’d just been smart enough to get a job at a company that doesn’t fuck us over (ignoring the fact it’s nearly impossible to determine this in advance, or that in some places, finding such a company would be harder than finding an intelligent person at the Chamber).  Additionally, we should’ve married a sugar daddy.  So there, girls!

Sharron Angle doesn’t understand why World War II stimulated the economy.  (Hint: it has a little something to do with massive government spending, you fucktard.)

Speaking of dumbshits for Senate, Rand Paul wants to represent Kentucky, but doesn’t know jack diddly shit about the state.  Oh, and tax cuts cure drug addiction!  That Tax Fairy of theirs sure is all-powerful.  Wait.  Gasp!  Does this mean that the Tax Fairy is a false idol?!

Speaking of yet more dumbshits for Senate, Wisconsin’s Ron Johnson wants you to know that global warming has nothing to do with all the greenhouse gasses humans are pumping into the atmosphere.  No, siree.  It’s probably all that sunspot activity (nevermind that sunspot activity is low).  Or maybe it’s “just something in the geologic eons of time.”  Damn those geologic eons!  Side note: people like him are the reason America’s not just falling behind in the alternative energy race, but is sitting on the sidelines watching other countries zip by.  Goodbye jobs, innovation and international prestige!  Hello, permanent recession!

Dr. Laura’s quitting her news show, and it’s all your fault.  Y’see, you evil librul politically correct elites are infringing on her freedom to shout the N-word at black women all she wants. 

For those keeping score at home, it’s not okay for America to emulate Europe in any way.  But it’s totally okay for America to emulate China (that would be Communist China), Pinochet’s Chile (a military dictatorship), and Saudi Arabia (which is a Middle Eastern Islamic theocracy).  I know all of that doesn’t square with their screaming over the evils of communism, tyranny and evil awful Islam, but no one ever claimed these folks are intellectually gifted enough to understand obvious contradictions.

You know all those teachers’ jobs recently-passed legislation will save?  Yeah, the Bachmann and King freakshow thinks that’s all just a big ol’ Dem money-laundering scheme.  Seriously.  It’s hard to trust democracy when idiots like these keep getting elected.

And there was far, far more Con stupidity I didn’t point out, and all in just one place.  Who knows what’s going to happen when I have time to swing by Think Progress and TPM.  The political environment’s so target-rich I may have to upgrade the Smack-o-Matic 3000 to something with multiple paddles.

Dumbfuckery du Jour

Dumbfuckery du Jour

Most weeks, I try to avoid pollyticks on the weekends.  But there are times, like now, when I’m presented with a target-rich environment, and I have poor impulse control, sooooo….

First, let’s catch up with Louie Gohmert and his terror babies:

Anderson Cooper gave Gohmert a chance to make his case on CNN last night, presenting any substance he has to bolster the theory. You’ll just have to watch the clip to believe it.

To sum it up, Cooper asked for some evidence to support the assertions Gohmert has been making — in the media, on the House floor, etc. Gohmert responded by shouting a lot, and having something of a breakdown.
I give Cooper a lot of credit for handling this like a pro. He kept his cool, tried to conduct a serious interview, and wasn’t rattled when Gohmert lost his mind. But there just wasn’t much he could do with the right-wing Texan. You’ll just have to watch to see what I mean.
Postscript: Just as an aside, I can’t help but wonder what kind of influential position the House Republican leadership will give Gohmert if they take back the House majority.

I’m beginning to wonder if I should be beating up on ol’ Louie.  It’s not nice to make fun of the mentally ill.  Then again, when the batshit insane jackass has been elected to public office, I suppose the normal rules of etiquette don’t apply.  But this video is dramatic evidence that this man belongs in a mental institution, not the halls of Congress.  My uncle sounded saner than this when he went off his meds and tried to hold up a bank so he could buy a yacht and become a pirate in the Florida Keys (true story).  He was foaming at the mouth so badly I had to watch this with the transcript handy – it was hard to hear through all the flying spittle.

And just think: a whole slate of Teabagger-beloved candidates have won their primaries, all just as frothing insane as ol’ Louie.  Apparently, the idea is to turn the Capitol into Bedlam. Yeesh.

Anyway.  Moving on.  Right wing meme watch: it appears they’ve mostly weaned themselves from death panels and are hot on false gods:

Last week, U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker struck down California’s Proposition 8, which prohibited same-sex couples from marrying in the state. Today, Walker lifted the stay on his decision, announcing that it will go into effect next week unless the appeals court issues a stay. Though the Republican response has been muted, some GOP lawmakers and a number of right-wing activists have been condemning both last week’s ruling and Judge Walker himself. Today, nationally-syndicated conservative Washington Examiner columnist Cal Thomas took the attacks to an entirely new level:

The decision by a single, openly gay federal judge to strike down the will of 7 million Californians, tradition dating back millennia (not to mention biblical commands, which the judge decided, in his capacity as a false god, to also invalidate) is judicial vigilantism equal to Roe v. Wade. […]

Either the Right Wing Meme Committee met recently without us knowing, this dumbfuck looks to Sharron Angle for inspiration, or insane minds just think alike.  I’m not sure which it is.  I just hope we can all take a turn at being false gods before the meme dies, because it sounds like fun.

And, finally, Steve Benen attempts to school the Teabagging fools on what net neutrality actually means:

Apparently, Tea Party groups and leaders have been giving net neutrality a look, and they’ve decided they don’t like it.
Let’s put this in a way Tea Partiers can understand. Let’s say Mr. and Mrs. Tea Party Zealot love to use the Internet for political activism — they frequent right-wing websites, send around clips of Hannity and Limbaugh, organize right-wing events, post sycophantic praise on Sarah Palin’s website, the works.
But let’s say their service provider is a (cue scary music) liberal company, which contributes heavily to Democrats. The media giant that this family pays for Internet access wants to make it easy for customers to access socialist content, send around pictures of Karl Marx, coordinate with the New Black Panther Party, and send money to gay illegal immigrants, but would make it exceedingly difficult to access RedState.com, visit Glenn Beck’s activist sites, access Palin’s Facebook age, etc.
At that point, Mr. and Mrs. Tea Party Zealot would probably be pretty unhappy. It’s not fair, they’d conclude, that some Internet content (which they don’t want) is easily accessible, while other content (stuff they do want) is slow and difficult. What they’d prefer is a level playing field, where all content is equally easy to reach.
What they want, in other words, is net neutrality.

That’s clear and succinct and should be easy enough for any idiot to understand.  Unfortunately, it’s desperately hard to talk sense into the senseless.

Dumbfuckery du Jour

Dumbfuckery du Jour

Well, I guess this rules out building churches, too:

Bryan Fischer, who wrote a blog post this week arguing that the U.S. should have “no more mosques, period,” explained to TPM today that “every single mosque is a potential terror training center or recruitment center for jihad” and thus “you cannot claim first amendment protections if your religious organization is engaged in subversive activities.”

The most hilarious thing is that Fischer singled out the Hutaree militia as an example of a religious group getting locked up, apparently failing to realize that this rather puts paid to his argument.  For some reason, his brand of Christian dumbass can’t figure out that the radical Islamic groups like al Qaeda are to Islam what Hutaree is to Christianity.  Therefore, if you’re going to paint the whole bunch with one radical brush, you’ve just managed to fuck over your own faith in the process.

Alas, logic was never a strong suit for folks like him.  We could, in fact, probably find out if there’s a gene for logic by comparing his genome to actual rational people.

Meanwhile, one of the contenders for the Florida governorship has a bad case of AZ-envy:

The details of [Bill] McCollum’s plan, as reported by the Miami Herald: “The proposed law would require immigrants to carry valid documentation or face up to 20 days in jail and would allow judges to hand down stiffer penalties to illegal immigrations who commit the same crimes as legal residents.”
“Arizona is going to want this law,” McCollum told reporters. “We’re better, we’re stronger, we’re tougher and we’re fairer.”

Apparently, Republican primaries are now contests for America’s Next Top Xenophobic Fascist Fuck. And McCollum’s one of the less certifiably-insane ones. 

This shit keeps up, the next edition of the DSM will have to include “was once or is now a candidate in a Republican primary” as one of the diagnostic criteria for mental disorders.

Dumbfuckery du Jour

Dumbfuckery du Jour

There’s more important news out there, but I don’t feel like addressing it.  I’m in the mood for cheesy, sleazy, stupid Con tricks, and wouldn’t you know, I didn’t have to look far.  Yup, wanna-be Rep. Ben Quayle’s another solid family-values Con, all right.  He babbles about fighting abortion and gay marriage, so you knew something like this was coming:

Ben Quayle, son of the former vice president and one of several Republican candidates for retiring Rep. John Shadegg’s House seat from Arizona, has admitted to writing comments on the web site Dirty Scottsdale back in 2007. 
Dirty Scottsdale — which has spread to other cities and is now TheDirty.com — is a collection of pictures, usually of well-endowed women, that readers take while out clubbing. The pictures are followed by snarky comments from the site’s users and owner. (You can look, it’s safe for work.)
Two days ago, the site’s owner, who calls himself Nik Richie but whose real name is Hooman Karamian, wrote a post claiming Quayle used to write for the site and was “one of the original creators.” 

Upon being revealed, Quayle steadfastly denied having anything at all to do with TheDirty.  You can probably guess the trajectory from here: he then had to admit that he knew the owner of the site, and, and, well, it was different back then, but I really wasn’t involved, okay, I was, but I only did it to “drive some traffic”!  Yeah, whatever, Ben.

What is it with these family-values types and sordid sleaze?  Oh, wait, I know: this is the natural result of treating women like male property.  One might get the impression they’re all against teh gay because husband-husband marriages can’t ensure one partner ends up barefoot and pregnant all the time, at least not until medical science develops a dependable artificial womb.

I wonder if Ben stopped writing for the site because he wanted to come over all clean and conservative to potential voters, or if he ran into a situation where he had to spell the word “potato“…

*Update: If only I had the headline-writing prowess of Attaturk!  Brilliant! Tip o’ the shotglass to Suzanne for this.

Dumbfuckery du Jour

Dumbfuckery du Jour

I’ve been happily immersed in chasing after strata today, along with clearing two weeks’ worth of Daily Show and Colbert Report from my DVR.  Haven’t had much time or desire to muck about with pollyticks, but I dropped by TPM anyway, and when I saw this, I laughed and laughed and knew I had to share it with you:

To many conservatives, almost everything is a secret liberal plot: from fluoride in the water to medicare reimbursements for end-of-life planning with your doctor to efforts to teach evolution in schools. But Conservapedia founder and Eagle Forum University instructor Andy Schlafly — Phyllis Schlafly’s son — has found one more liberal plot: the theory of relativity
If you’re behind on your physics, the Theory of Relativity was Albert Einstein’s formulation in the early 20th century that gave rise to the famous theorum that E=mc2, otherwise stated as energy is equal to mass times the square of the speed of light. Why does Andy Schlafly hate the theory of relativity? We’re pretty sure it’s because he’s decided it doesn’t square with the Bible.

That’s one of those products of a pathetic mind that you just have to laugh at, because otherwise you’d scream.  This isn’t just weapons-grade stupidity, it’s nuclear.  Only, not really nuclear, because E=mc2 is a horrible librul plot and so is everything that arose from it, including nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants.

Schlafly whines about how people who understand relativity don’t read their Bible (and the Bible’s a bestseller!!1!11!),  ergo it’s like totally evil, and from there he jumps to it can’t be true!1!11!!!  Oh, and Jesus was faster than the speed of light.  I wonder if Schafly realizes just how ridiculous he sounds.  He’s arguing against relativity because people smart enough to understand it are also smart enough to be bored by the superstitious ramblings of ancient goatherders, which is silly enough.  But then he starts that inane babble about how the Bible outsells all other NYT bestsellers, as if this were some sort of popularity contest.  And if his god is, after all, a god, what the fuck do speed limits matter?  Aren’t gods supposed to be supernatural?  Couldn’t his god break the laws of physics?  If not, he’s not much of a god, now, is he?

It takes a special kind of stupid to write something this incredibly dumb.  It’s too bad we can’t tap it as an alternative form of energy – we’d be able to plug Andy Schlafly into the power grid and keep America brightly lit for decades.  At least then he’d be of some use.

Dumbfuckery du Jour

Dumbfuckery du Jour

My heart’s not in it tonight, my darlings.  I had an utterly shitty day.  All I really want to do is crawl into the loving arms of geology and dream for a while.

But three items commend themselves to my attention, and the Smack-o-Matic is giving me the puppy dog eyes, so let’s do some brief bashing.

In the “having a heart attack from not surprised” category, the rabid right’s not happy Judge Walker handed their asses to them, so what can they do?  Why, say he’s gay!

Fox News, for example, ran a piece from University of Notre Dame law professor Gerard Bradley, who expressed concern about the lack of attention paid “to one very troubling aspect of the case.” (via A.L.)

This is the question of the judge’s bias due to his possible interest in which side wins the case. […]

Battalions of commentators have wondered about his bizarre handling of the case, and many have attributed it to Walker’s belief that it is unjust for the law to limit marriage to opposite-sex couples.

Nor is the neglected bias related to the fact that (as several newspapers have reported) the judge is openly gay.

Of course, Walker’s opinions about marriage and sexual preference could be related to his own homosexuality.

Now, I have no idea whether Walker is gay, and I don’t care in the slightest. His ruling speaks for itself, and if the right wants to find flaws in the decision, conservatives can make their case — without going after the motives and/or personal life of the jurist who wrote the ruling.
But consider the implications of this line of criticism. Should an African-American judge necessarily be accused of bias if she considers a case of racial discrimination? Should a woman judge consider recusing herself in a case involving sexual harassment?
For that matter, why would a straight judge necessarily be preferable to hear a case involving marriage equality?

I’ve really run out of words to express my disgust with these people, so I’ll just settle for “ridiculous little shits.”

Additionally, Boehner has decided that police officers and teachers are “liberal special interests,” which tells you all you need to know about his suitability for public office.

Oh, and the next time you hear Teabaggers babble about “constitutional conservatism,” you might want to ask them to explain this rather large list of things they want to revise.  Fair makes your eyes pop when you see it all in one place like that.

Dumbfuckery du Jour

Dumbfuckery du Jour

I must begin with a special shout-out for those responsible for understaffing us on Wednesdays.  I can’t describe how excited huge queues, justifiably angry customers, and working late makes me.

But at least I didn’t have to do much political reading today in order to find some delicious dumbfuckery.  There’s so much ripe, juicy, low-hanging fruit dangling out there it’s hard to resist plucking it all.

Let us begin with the best graphic ever:

People pounding the pavement against these dumbfucks can print this out, paste it to their clipboards, and just hold it up silently for voters’ consideration.  It’s simple, elegant, and speaks far louder than words.

Moving on to Senate Con stupidity, which has gone beyond extraordinary and is blowing past mind-numbing.  Now they’re threatening the passage of the START treaty, willingly throwing America’s credibility on nuclear issues down the shitter and tossing a (perhaps nuclear) grenade after it.  Why?

In this instance, the main GOP complaint is that the Obama administration has called for spending $80 billion over the next decade on modernizing nuclear weapons facilities, and $100 billion on strategic bombers and long-range missiles that carry nuclear warheads.
Republicans are arguing that this isn’t enough, which is why they won’t let the treaty advance from committee.
In other words, the most important treaty this Congress will consider is stuck because Republicans want to increase spending.

Congratulations, America.  The citizens of large swathes of this once-great nation managed to elect a cohort of the most irresponsible idiots possible to serve as Senators, and this is the result.  What really horrifies me is that some liberals think it would be a good idea to allow more of this sort of fucktard to be elected in order to teach our centrist Democratic overlords a lesson. 


And just think, this fall, if voters in Nevada don’t show some sense, we could end up with Sen. Sharron Angle.  After this recent outburst, I can hardly wait for her floor speeches:

Sharron Angle (R), the extremist Senate candidate in Nevada, has her own “unique” take on the First Commandment, which may be the single craziest thing she’s ever said. Jon Ralston reports on recent comments the lunatic candidate made on a Christian radio talk-show.

“And these programs that you mentioned — that Obama has going with Reid and Pelosi pushing them forward — are all entitlement programs built to make government our God. And that’s really what’s happening in this country is a violation of the First Commandment. We have become a country entrenched in idolatry, and that idolatry is the dependency upon our government. We’re supposed to depend upon God for our protection and our provision and for our daily bread, not for our government.”

This mindset will further reinforce to some that religion infuses everything Angle believes but also might explain her hostility to government programs, believing essentially they are produced by a false God.

Referencing her Senate campaign, Angle added, “I need warriors to stand beside me. You know, this is a war of ideology, a war of thoughts and of faith. And we need people to really stand for faith and trust, not hope and change.”
The Las Vegas Sun recently reported that Angle, who said she’s running because God told her to, embraces a radical church-state philosophy that “parallels that of a religious political movement — Christian Reconstructionism — seeking to return American civil society to biblical law.”
If you’re unfamiliar with Christian Reconstructionism, it’s quite literally analogous to the Taliban and radical proponents of Sharia law — just as they want to replace secular law with laws based on their interpretation of the Quran, Reconstructionists want to replace secular law in the U.S. with their interpretation of the Christian Bible. In this vision, a radical take on Scripture would take the place of our Constitution.

Some of my liberal friends may want to tell me that a fundie freak like this is harmless, even if set loose in the Senate, and it’s far more important to make sure Dems know progressives are very unhappy with them.  I’d just like to advise them to save their breath, as I highly doubt I shall be able to believe them.

Dumbfuckery du Jour