Frivolous Friday: Okay, We All Pretty Much Have to Get Married Now

Yes, I am. I am proposing to you all (excepting any creeps reading this – I’m not proposing to you). I want you all to marry me (see previous disclaimer). We don’t necessarily have to stay married, if you don’t want to – we just need to all have the big lavish wedding together. Why? Because thanks to Zeroth, I just found out geode wedding cakes are a thing. Go feast your eyes on those.

You want to accept my proposal now, don’t you?

But you know what, we don’t even have to get married. Let’s just plan to throw a huge ETEV party someday soon. With geode cakes. I’m pretty sure we could crowdfund enough for a reasonable shindig with lots of geode cakes. Heck, if we end up doing it in Denville, NJ or New York City, I already know of a baker who could make us some. They’ve even put a video online:

And, of course, there’s all those bakers on the Cakewrecks post. Have a look at their locations, and then let’s all decide together where we’re going to do this thing, and do it. We need geode cake. We deserve geode cake.

Okay, and probably a volcano one, too.

Frivolous Fridays are the Orbit bloggers’ excuse to post about fun things we care about that may not have serious implications for atheism or social justice. Any day is a good day to write about whatever the heck we’re interested in (hey, we put “culture” in our tagline for a reason), but we sometimes have a hard time giving ourselves permission to do that. This is our way of encouraging each other to take a break from serious topics and have some fun. Enjoy!

Frivolous Friday: Okay, We All Pretty Much Have to Get Married Now

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