Captains and Submissions Call

The HMS Elitist Bastard won’t be wanting for leadership over the next few months. We’ve some mighty fine Captains taking the helm.

March 28-29 – Z at It’s the Thought That Counts

April 25-26 – Cujo359 at Slobber and Spittle

May 30-31 – George at Decrepit Old Fool

June 27-28 – John Pieret at Thoughts in a Haystack

July 25-26 – NP at The Coffee-Stained Writer

August 29-30 – Open

September 26-27 – Open

October 31-Nov. 1 – Open

November 28-29 – Open

December 26-27 – Open

Commands are going fast. Ye’d best get yours while there’s still a chance!

If ye’re worried ye can’t steer a ship as elitist as the HMS Elitist Bastard, ye can put those fears to rest. ‘Tis simplicity itself for true Elitist Bastards:

1. Ye must know how to create a hyperlink.

2. Ye bring posts full o’ various Elitist Bastardry together in fun and creative ways.

3. Then ye sit back and enjoy the warm glow o’ a job well done – or the warmer glow o’ rum, whichever’s the warmer for ye.

Ye don’t even have to muster up a crew – yer Admiral does that for ye. There’s still room for five o’ ye, so volunteer yerself.

It also be time to get yer submissions in for March’s sailing. I know ye’ve got something suitable, so send me those links no later than Friday, March 27th. Captain Z be expecting ye!

Captains and Submissions Call