Rick Perry’s NH Speech

Ok, things may be looking up for Mitt.

Have you guys seen this yet?

This guy is a serious presidential contender? Forget that he’s a creationist, that he sponsored a prayer rally for rain in Texas, that he suddenly came up with his very own flat tax plan just ‘cuz it sounded like a good idea and not because Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan was getting a lot of play, that he condescendingly or insanely giggles every time someone asks him a question he doesn’t like or can’t answer, that his big plan to stimulate employment is to put people to work sticking oil pipelines into the ground from one end of this country to the other like candles on a centenarian’s birthday cake, that he has just four issues listed on his campaign website, each with less than 200 words to describe his convictions, values and vision for this country, that he wants to repeal the important healthcare reform passed during President Obama’s term, that he’s against funding Planned Parenthood and, and, and…

No, wait…don’t forget any of that. Just add this performance in New Hampshire – the wild hand motions, the crazy eyes (what is it with crazy eyes and Republicans?), the odd stories and off-topic rambling, the vehement tone, his newly disclosed love affair with maple syrup, to sum up: Wackilooniness Unbecoming of a Public Official – to the ever-growing list of reasons why we should put as much distance between us and Rick Perry as possible.

Rick Perry’s NH Speech

Rick Perry's NH Speech

Ok, things may be looking up for Mitt.

Have you guys seen this yet?

This guy is a serious presidential contender? Forget that he’s a creationist, that he sponsored a prayer rally for rain in Texas, that he suddenly came up with his very own flat tax plan just ‘cuz it sounded like a good idea and not because Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan was getting a lot of play, that he condescendingly or insanely giggles every time someone asks him a question he doesn’t like or can’t answer, that his big plan to stimulate employment is to put people to work sticking oil pipelines into the ground from one end of this country to the other like candles on a centenarian’s birthday cake, that he has just four issues listed on his campaign website, each with less than 200 words to describe his convictions, values and vision for this country, that he wants to repeal the important healthcare reform passed during President Obama’s term, that he’s against funding Planned Parenthood and, and, and…

No, wait…don’t forget any of that. Just add this performance in New Hampshire – the wild hand motions, the crazy eyes (what is it with crazy eyes and Republicans?), the odd stories and off-topic rambling, the vehement tone, his newly disclosed love affair with maple syrup, to sum up: Wackilooniness Unbecoming of a Public Official – to the ever-growing list of reasons why we should put as much distance between us and Rick Perry as possible.

Rick Perry's NH Speech

HPV Vaccine: Making It Personal

I watched the CNN Tea Party Republican debate on Monday night. I disagreed with a lot of the issues that the candidates presented, and my blood really boiled when the candidates skirted direct questions to make snarky personal attacks on each other and President Obama. And I really, really mourned for the human race when it became clear that the audience went wild every time a cutthroat comment was made, regardless of the comment’s bearing on the question at hand. But every now and then there was a bit of level-headed debate from some of the candidates on some of the issues.

The HPV vaccine was not one of them.

Four years ago Rick Perry signed an executive order that required Texas girls to be vaccinated against HPV. He was lambasted for that decision on several fronts. Some people believe that vaccination against the STI condones premarital sex (excuse me while I go weep in the corner), some  think that Perry abused the executive order to mandate health care, that he threatened parents’ rights to decide what is best for their children (even though the executive order allowed for parental opt-out), or that he signed the mandate in order to reward political donations from Merck, the producer of the vaccine. Michelle Bachmann, in an amazing show of moral self-righteousness, predatory fear-mongering, and willful ignorance of vaccine safety used all of these arguments to rail against Perry on Monday’s Republican debate.

Dear American voters – lead us not to Michelle Bachmann, but deliver us from her evil. For thine is the will of the people, and…you are our only hope. Or something like that.

As I’ve mentioned before, I am a big supporter of vaccines. We have regulatory bodies as well as an informed medical and scientific community that is able to evaluate the safety and efficacy of vaccines. Also, we have science! Science that any layman can access with a little bit of internet searching! If the majority of the medical establishment supports a vaccine, I’m behind it. Because you know what sucks? People suffering and dying from preventable illnesses.

The HPV vaccine offers hope to women because we are susceptible to HPV-caused cervical cancer. HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection – 50% of sexually active Americans will become infected sometime in their lives. We need to stop viewing HPV infection as a punishment for having sex and start viewing it as a risk that we can decrease when we do have sex. Sex happens, so does HPV. Vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate!

I found the following personal story from Quiche Moraine on the Almost Diamonds blog. This is the kind of heartwrenching stress, agony, physical pain and emotional trauma that the HPV vaccine may help prevent. The vaccine is a medical wonder, and I shame those who pervert it into a political tool.

From Quiche Moraine:

One day your doctor calls. You think to yourself, “Huh. Last clinic, it would have been a nurse. Whatever.” And the news is good: Blood work, even the special stuff they did because you’ve not been feeling well and you have a family history, is perfectly, beautifully normal.

Oh, except the Pap smear came back abnormal and here’s the number for a gynecological clinic and tell them “CIN 2-3″ when you call to make the appointment for a colposcopy.
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HPV Vaccine: Making It Personal