Jesus vs. Doctor Who

Heh. A kickass atheist, nerdy, Doctor-loving coworker forwarded this to me. It’s copyright 2007, so I’m assuming it’s made the rounds in the past, but I’ve never seen it and it made me lulz lots, so I thought I’d pass it on.

Seen at Unholy Office. Original material in two posts from Home on the Strange.


Jesus vs. Doctor Who

Merry Who Christmas

The Hubby spotted this display in Roseville, MN and snapped a few photos for me!

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a Cyberman! A Dalek! And phew – a TARDIS and Doctor – no fear!

TARDIS and the Doctor

Oooo…and check out my buddy Brian’s website, The Things I’ve Missed, A Growing List (it’s about trying to keep up with the internet!) Today he posted this video of Doctor Who: The First Question – 50th Anniversary Trailer. It gave me goosebumps also, Brian!

Merry Who Christmas