Women Leaving Religion

More Women in Secularism videos out today. This one is the panel I moderated at 8:30 on Saturday morning with the start of a migraine that would go all day. Don’t worry, though. The panelists really didn’t need me. Jamila Bey (who was held up by a military convoy and so joined slightly late), Vyckie Garrison, Teresa MacBain, and Maryam Namazie could each do this talk on their own.

I didn’t read out the vast majority of the questions I received. About half of the total were directed at Vyckie looking for more information on the Quiverfull movement. I passed those along to her in case she wanted to use any of them to spark blog posts. If you’re one of the people who wants to know more after watching her here, check out No Longer Quivering.

To prioritize the rest of the questions, I sorted them by relevance to the panel topic and number of panelists who would be able to speak to it. (The question about Jamila’s son was an exception. That was pure Sam and Max rules.) This is the question that, just on that basis, ended up on the bottom of the pile:

It was said that atheist community was very welcoming to people coming out atheist and looking for fellowship. Considering this, can you comment on divisive rhetoric on various blogs labeling fellow atheists as–to sum it up quaintly–vile slime which should be drummed out of the movement and shunned?

No, none of the comment cards were signed (except Robin Cornwell’s). No, I didn’t ask the question. If you’re at a panel I’m moderating and you really want to insert your pet issue, at least figure out how to ask a question I won’t have to explain to most or all of the participants. I won’t waste their time on your behalf.

Women Leaving Religion

4 thoughts on “Women Leaving Religion

  1. 1

    labeling fellow atheists as–to sum it up quaintly–vile slime

    Huh. So saying that people from the Slyme Pit are “slime” is mean and nasty, even though they embrace the term themselves? One more bit of evidence that the place rots your brain…

  2. 2

    This is the question that, just on that basis, ended up on the bottom of the pile:

    It was said that atheist community was very welcoming to people coming out atheist and looking for fellowship. Considering this, can you comment on divisive rhetoric on various blogs labeling fellow atheists as–to sum it up quaintly–vile slime which should be drummed out of the movement and shunned?

    Gee, I wonder who that might be… 😛
    What people like mr. “Anonymous” here don’t seem to get (well, there are many things they don’t get, but one of them) is this: It isn’t feminist who are demonizing them. They do so themselves every time they open their mouths. It isn’t something that Stephanie, or Ophelia, or Rebecca, or Amy, or Amanda, or [make the list as long as you want] has said that makes me think of the anti-feminist/MRA faction of what used to be the atheist/skeptical/humainst/secular movements as “vile slime which should be drummed out of the movement and shunned”. People like Vacula have already done that better than any feminist ever could.

  3. 4

    same question as for the CONvergence videos: do you know if people are already making transcripts, or if that’s still something that needs getting done?

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